Organization Positions

(1)  Director, Pacific Northwest SID chapter (2008 - today)

SID - Society of Information Displays -

(2) Chair, 3D-stereo, Subcommittee within ICDM (2010-today)

ICDM - International Committee for Displays Metrology

At this location you can donwload the full IDMS1 - document

(IDMS1 - International Display Metrology Standard, version 1)

(3) Regional VP, Pacific & South America, SID (2018 - 2021)

(4) Chair, Applications Committee (APP) of SID (2012 - 2014)

Review of papers submitted for Display-Week conferences

(5) Associate Editor, Journal of SID (2010 - 2021)

Review of papers related to: 3D-Stereo

(6) Guest Editor, Information Display Magazine 

For papers related to:  Backlighting / LEDs

Honors and Awards


(SID - Society for Information Displays - )